Friday, June 26, 2009

Last night!!

Tonight was the last night of VBS. It went really well. Caleb wanted to stay in the nursery tonight, and I didn't push it. They've been so tired all week! Tonight we got home after 10pm! I had to give baths tonight....they played way to hard to skip them. I had them in bed by 1045. I didn't think that was that bad. Abby must have been exhausted. Usually, we rock and sing for a while. She wanted to be put in her crib. I started to sing to her....and she says "mommy stop singing. Go away." I asked if she just wanted to sleep. She said "yes." I'm like...okay, great. My daughter is already becoming bossy. Anyway, I said good night, and closed her door. Not a peep. I only hope they sleep in in the morning since I'm wide awake and it's after 11pm! We'll find out!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

VBS, Day 4...

Ah, yes, I can honestly say, tonight was a good night! The lesson went well. And...Caleb came into VBS for a little bit. If we had about 3 more nights, I think I may be able to get him to do an activity....but tomorrow is the last night.

VBS Day 3

I know it's a little annoying for me to comment on each day.....but it's improving, really!

Caleb still didn't want to come to the big group, so he started the night in nursery. He's actually been pretty excited to go there.

My teaching partner (she's supposed to be the leader) had the lesson did I, which was the funny part.....but I felt like the kids got a good lesson out of it.

Caleb did come into the big group for a few minutes, which was an improvement. I went and got him for craft time....and I think he would have stayed if the skit didn't start right before we got there. crying! :)

I can tell the kids are feeling the late bedtimes...both are really grumpy by the time we get home at night. They've maybe been asleep by 10 at night....usually they're in bed by 830 at the latest! This morning, they slept until almost 8 o'clock! Great to sleep in...but I'm thinking that means we won't get early naps!

I got to have a "Mommy Day" yesterday. The kids usually go to daycare Mondays and Wednesdays. On some Wednesdays, I don't work, but we take them anyway. Then, I get the day to catch up on errands, clean the house, and oh yeah, breathe. I decided to keep the kids at daycare yesterday so I could just get a break. I went shopping most of the day to stay out of the heat. It was nice and relaxing., I didn't buy things we didn't need. I can browse with the best!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

VBS, Day 2...

Well, it didn't involve any meltdowns, but then again, Caleb stayed in the nursery with Abby.

I'm resolving myself to the fact that if the kids in my group are going to get as much as possible out of their VBS experience, I have to now memorize the rest of the teaching partner is not coming prepared....and is supposed to be the leader. Okay. I can do this....

I get a Mommy-day tomorrow....The kids are going to daycare for a day. Oh the possibilities of what I will do....that is, after I clean the house which I haven't done since Brent left (shhhhh....don't tell anyone!)

Time to breathe. Good. I can do that!

VBS, Day 1....

Did not go well. Caleb lasted maybe 10 minutes before having a major meltdown. When I say meltdown, I mean total, complete loss of control...screaming, crying, running to the corner and hiding. Great. I ended up taking him to the nursery because I couldn't leave. So, instead of getting to spend time with Brent on one of the few nights he's home during Annual Training....the kids stayed in nursery. The hard part is, Caleb's getting known as the child that cries/screams. He really is a total goofball and hilarious to be around. I'm afraid people aren't going to see that.

Since I volunteered to help so I could be in Caleb's group, we have to go every night this week. This means that I now get to drive the kids all the way there for them to play in the nursery. Great. And....I'm supposed to be the assistant, not the leader for our "family" group. The leader decided last night to give me a bunch of stuff to prep. And...I don't think she knew what was going on. Considering we each went to a prep meeting (different ones), that caught me by surprise. I love doing VBS....I've done it for years previous to moving to Madison. I just don't think it's fair to the kids for someone who hasn't had any prep time to lead. It doesn't go smoothly. I can't "wait" to see what tonight brings. Yeah, I realize my attitude is not good at this point. I'm exhausted from not getting good sleep for the last week and a half. Brent's gone again until Saturday night.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day!

So, as I probably already mentioned in previous posts, Brent is on Annual Training for National Guard. He has actually had Annual Training for every Father's Day that he's actually been a father. This time, they are in Madison for a few days, so we got to see him and spend some time with him before he's gone for another week. The following is the video that the kids helped me make for his Father's Day present.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

A few pictures....

These are from earlier in the week, but I haven't had time to post them until now...

A few videos...

I know if you are on Facebook, you've probably already seen these, but I thought I'd post them here too.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Not much going on...

I thought I'd pop in and touch base again. Brent leaves for annual training for two weeks, starting on Friday. I'm going to take the kiddos down to my parents' house for a few days. The second week, we have bible school in the evenings, so we're making a go at that as well. This is the first year they are having the 3 year olds. I'm volunteering to be in Caleb's group, since I'm not sure he would go without me there. And....they have nursery available for the children of the volunteers, so I didn't' have to arrange childcare for every night! :)

I may make a full-out run for potty training. Caleb has no idea what he's in for!! Abby's still doing well. I haven't pushed her to get trained....she's doing most of it on her own. She's starting to tell me right after she goes in her diaper....sometimes before and gets to the potty. I have plans to try full-out potty training after Brent gets back from Annual training.

That's all for now! I'm enjoying the fact that I don't work until the 29th!! I took vacation time so I wouldn't have to find childcare for 12 hr shifts. Those are LONG days!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Anniversary Weekend...

So, this past weekend, we had a chance to go to Chicago without the kiddos! Brent's parents watched the kids for the weekend. It was really nice to get away and just have some time together!

The start of the weekend was a little iffy....we got to the hotel, and the swimming pool/hot tub were not working. Ugh! At first the receptionist said that if we just called down to the desk, they'd arrange transportation to their "sister" hotel. I must have given Brent a look because then the receptionist said they could offer a free upgrade to a jacuzzi room. Okay, so that was better than the hot tub anyway! Then we decided to go to the mall-Woodfield. We were walking around and heard someone yell "Hey you two!" We turned around to see a cop stop two kids and ask to look in their bag...a few minutes later we heard running behind us, and turned around to see the kid getting chased by the cop.....and he took her down right after they got past us. We thought that was a weird night....then we went to eat. We're sitting in the Cheesecake Factory, and finishing up our meal when I looked up and noticed the manager with a phone standing next to an older couple....the husband was looking down at his wife.....I said to Brent "I think they're calling 911...." I was right. The parametics arrived shortly after that. We got back to the hotel wondering what other wierd things would happen....luckily the rest of the weekend went very smoothly!

Sunday we went back to Brent's parents' house to pick up the kids....and of course they were complete angels for the grandparents...which I'm very thankful for, but as soon as they woke up from naps...the grumpiness started. Ugh! One funny thing that Brent's mom told us happened at dinner the night before. Anita cooked supper and had it all set out on the table.....Caleb and Abby wouldn't touch their plates. Anita said "Go ahead and eat." Caleb said "we can't." Abby said "No." Anita said she just about got mad....but said "I made this for you, you need to eat. Why aren't you going to eat?" Then Caleb says "But Grandma....we have to pray first!" :) They prayed and then the kids cleaned their plates. Abby even made them pray before bedtime! I was so happy to hear that the kids will do that away from home!