Thursday, June 25, 2009

VBS Day 3

I know it's a little annoying for me to comment on each day.....but it's improving, really!

Caleb still didn't want to come to the big group, so he started the night in nursery. He's actually been pretty excited to go there.

My teaching partner (she's supposed to be the leader) had the lesson did I, which was the funny part.....but I felt like the kids got a good lesson out of it.

Caleb did come into the big group for a few minutes, which was an improvement. I went and got him for craft time....and I think he would have stayed if the skit didn't start right before we got there. crying! :)

I can tell the kids are feeling the late bedtimes...both are really grumpy by the time we get home at night. They've maybe been asleep by 10 at night....usually they're in bed by 830 at the latest! This morning, they slept until almost 8 o'clock! Great to sleep in...but I'm thinking that means we won't get early naps!

I got to have a "Mommy Day" yesterday. The kids usually go to daycare Mondays and Wednesdays. On some Wednesdays, I don't work, but we take them anyway. Then, I get the day to catch up on errands, clean the house, and oh yeah, breathe. I decided to keep the kids at daycare yesterday so I could just get a break. I went shopping most of the day to stay out of the heat. It was nice and relaxing., I didn't buy things we didn't need. I can browse with the best!

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