Saturday, May 3, 2008

A sure sign of spring...

Nope, not Robins...garage sales!! :) Okay, I admit it...I'm a little addicted. BUT, when your kids grow through their clothes like maniacs....garage sales save money to buy diapers....don't ask how many of those I go through! No seriously...Abby is pretty much clothed 'til she's 3. Between swapping clothes with a friend and being given a TON of awesome hand-me-downs, she's set. Now, Caleb on the other hand...I actually found quite a bit of stuff in his size this Friday (city-wide garage sales). That's no easy task, especially since he's the age that starts to wear things out. I behaved myself well and only bought a few girl clothes. I think the grand total for garage sales I made it to was about 20. No, I wasn't insane enough to try taking the kids. Brent took a day off so I could have my free day :) Besides...retail therapy (even the cheap version) is good for destressing after such a loooooooonnnng week.


Tonya said...

My boy age 5 almost doesn't have any pants left. He started the year out with 8 pairs of pants and now I believe he has 5 and only two don't have wholes big enough for me to pitch them yet. AHG!

TFay said...

glad you got to go to your de-stressing g-sales! Glad things are looking up for Brent's mom - been praying!