Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Good News finally...

Anita is off of the ventilator and doing well. She started cracking jokes as soon as her voice came back. She has a little bit of a facial droop and left ptosis, but other than that, I don't see any neuro deficits. She's worn out (obviously). They did start her on seizure meds after surgery last night. The nurses still don't know a whole lot, but now I know its because the doctors here don't communicate well with the nurses and it's not the type of environment where the nurses ask questions. It makes me glad I work in a teaching hospital that encourages autonomy of the nurses....working here would drive me nuts! We'll probably stay one more day and then come back...barring any unforseen circumstances. I only have internet access at the hospital, so I'll try to update again later when I'm here.

1 comment:

Tonya said...

I have been following your updates and so glad to hear good news!