Saturday, our care group from church came over for our meeting time and potluck. The grass dried by the time the kids went outside, so it worked out great. Caleb was sick though....he woke up from his nap saying his tummy hurt....totally not like him. He wasn't very interactive with the kids and only ate a little fruit at supper. He then laid on the couch and didn't want to get up. I told him he could go in his room and close the door if he wanted to be by himself. He did that....then Brent and I heard him start crying and I ran into the room....of course he got sick all over his bed. I changed him, stripped the bed, and he wanted to go in our room. Well, we had the dog pillow in our room because we usually keep her in there when we have company. I went back a little later to check on Caleb, and he had curled up and fallen asleep on the dog pillow. He stayed there for almost an hour and a half until everyone left. I got him to wake up enough to go to his room again....he wouldn't walk...I tucked him into bed. He went right to sleep. He woke up a couple of hours later with a fever. That started to really concern me....I pretty much knew what the tummy ache and throwing up was from....without going into too many's an exacerbation of an ongoing problem he's had since he was little. When he spiked the fever, I called the oncall nurse to weigh my options. Since he was asleep, she said to not do anything that night, but if things didn't resolve by morning to call back. He woke up in the morning, said his tummy wasn't "yucky," but he wouldn't eat and things hadn't resolved. I have him what I had to help things, and nothing. So I called the after hours clinic again...they told me to try one more thing, and if it didn't work, he'd have to come in to get treated. Thank goodness it worked! We had been trying to wean him off medication....I didn't want him to have to take it every day if he didn't need it.....and we had been doing fine for a while, he actually hasn't needed it for a couple of months....but I think we're just going to go back on it. I don't want him going through that again!
Sunday night after naps, we went out to eat, and the kids did amazing. We've been trying to go out more so they learn how to behave in different social settings. I have to say, they were some of the most behaved children in the restaurant.
Monday, we decided to take a trip to the zoo. Since it was Memorial Day, Brent and I both had the day off. It was so much fun! The zoo was pretty empty....especially since we were there right when it opened (9:30am!) It was fun to see Abby really recognize the animals....both kids hardly spent any time in the stroller, so they got a lot of good exercise. Caleb got to ride the train with Brent, and I took Abby on the carousel for her first time. We had a picnic lunch in the park next to the zoo. When we got back to the van, Caleb even said he was sleepy. He NEVER admits to that!
My parents came up for a visit today before Dad's neurology appointment. The kids had a blast with Grandma and Grandpa. Unfortunately, Mom says Dad's been falling recently...the darn DBS isn't doing what they promised. His walking has gotten so bad since the surgery. They adjusted the stimulator and his medications, it gets better for a while, and then worse than it was before the adjustments. I kind of chewed him out for getting up without help. I'm afraid he's going to hit his head or break a hip. It's so frustrating to see him like this. The stimulators got him off of a lot of meds, took care of the "crashes" between med doses, but now he can hardly walk at times, and his speech is horrible. He's very frustrated too. They're almost starting to wonder if the surgery was worth it. Ugh!
The other thing that happened in the midst of all that...Brent's grandmother had to go into the hospital, and is now in a nursing home. We're pretty sure she won't be able to go back to her apartment.
Brent's sister is facing a divorce....she just filed the papers, she really had no choice...and I usually don't say that. She's devastated, her girls are devastated. No one really saw this coming until January. Her husband is not acting at all like the person we've known. It has the potential to become a very messy situation. I feel for her and what she and the girls are going through.
I hate ending on a down-note. I'm posting some pictures here so that I don't end on a bad note!