Tuesday, November 25, 2008


So, a while ago I blogged about Abby and her lead level....and the predicament we had about where she could have ingested the lead. Our house is completely lead free, the water system, etc. The only place we could think of was our daycare provider...the kids go to an in home provider who lives in an old house. We love our daycare provider, and the kids really like going there, so I was hoping it wasn't their house. Well, the health department sent over an inspector, and the daycare house is completely lead free. Yeah! That means we do NOT have to change daycare! It was likely the house that our provider was renting before they bought the one they're in now. So...that means that the kids aren't getting exposed. Abby will have a follow-up blood test in a few months to make sure that her level is going down. That is definitely a weight lifted off our shoulders!

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