Tuesday, July 31, 2007


Well, we survived what can best be described as a chaotic weekend. We started it off by going back home and stopping at a "fairy princess" birthday party for our cousin's youngest daughter. Just imagine...eight very energetic, boisterous kids running like mad men (and women) around the house! Next day, Brent and Kelly went to a cousin's wedding. The wedding went very well, of course the bride was beautiful, and the flower girl stole the show! Where, you might ask, was Caleb? Well, he had the opportunity to go with Grandma 'Nita and Grandpa Bing to a picnic at the lake. He got to go on his first boat-ride around the lake. Judging from the pictures and video, he had a blast! I think Grandma and Grandpa had fun too! Day three found us going to church in the morning, attending a reception after church, putting Caleb down for a nap at Grandma and Grandpa's house, and going to yet another wedding reception. Considering we had to still drive all the way back here and pick the muttley up from a friend's house, we made it home after 10pm, got the munchkin to bed, unloaded and collapsed for the night, only to start the work week off at 5am the next morning. I think we're all still recouping from it all!

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