Tuesday, July 29, 2008

I survived!!

Okay, so it probably sounds like I'm blowing things out of proportion, but I survived!! It was my longest time away from the kids...Brent is on Annual Training, and has been gone for about 2 weeks. I clumped all my work days together, that would be 4 twelve hour shifts in a row. Thursday I took the kids to my mom's house. Normally mom comes up here to watch them if we need weekend coverage, but Dad's Parkinson's is getting a lot worse, so she can't be away for that long. Anyway...I was really worried that Caleb would get too homesick (he does that when we go on holidays). The kids did great...Mom said they were complete angels. Caleb never had to get a time-out. It was incredibly busy at work this weekend, so it kept my mind off of the kids and Brent being gone. Mom and Dad brought the kids up today. Caleb couldn't get out of the car fast enough! Abby started putting herself to a sitting position today. Mom swears she didn't do that over the weekend at all. I think it was rather nice of Abby to wait until she got home to do new things! Anyway...I'm glad the weekend is over, and Brent gets home tomorrow for a few days before he takes off for the August guard weekend. His commander is a single guy with no family commitments, so he doesn't always consider families when he decides their Guard schedules. Oh well.

1 comment:

Tonya said...

I've so been where you are. Except Jeff was gone 12 weeks for the police academy. That was rough.