Saturday, June 28, 2008

It's been a while...

I just realized how long it's been since I last blogged....a long time!! I was going to complain about the mosquitoes..but I'm sure no one else likes them I decided to not go there. Then...I went outside and look what I found in our bush right outside our living room window (close enough for Caleb to see right into the nest!!)

There are four little chicks in the nest...and the nest is only about 3 inches across. They are Chipping Sparrows, in case you were wondering.

And ladies and gentlemen...that's about all the excitement from around here. Abby is sleeping through the night almost constantly now. Caleb looks like he's a connect-the-dot game with all his mosquito bites. We're back down in Illinois, tackling Brent's grandmother's house....this weekend is the "deadline" that we set for her getting into her apartment...she's been putting it off for a long time. There are a LOT of things to go through! Anyway...that's about all from here!! :)

1 comment:

Tonya said...

So cool that you have a bird nest right outside your window!