Saturday, July 7, 2007

Joining the blogging craze...

So, I'm realizing that most of my friends are starting blogs. I was resisting the urge to join the craze until I came to the conclusion that it just may be the easiest way to keep people updated on the goings-on with the fam. My goal is to update at least once a week. We'll see how that goes, especially in a couple of months!

Updates for now...Caleb is growing by leaps and bounds! He is officially in his big-boy bed, new room, etc. We try to get into the kiddy-pool as often as possible. We tried a swimming pool tonight, but that's going to need some work. We were met with many, many screams and tears when we tried to go in! Ah...our time will come. Caleb is talking up a storm! He knows his colors, and recognizes a majority of the letters in the alphabet. He comes up with new sentences and things every day.

As for news with us as parents...we don't really have any! Ah, how our lives revolve around our kids! The pregnancy is going well. Baby-girl is kicking like a champ. (nope, not going to tell names!) We're holding off on doing anything with the nursery until Caleb has been in his new room for a while. I can post pics when I take them!


Anonymous said...

What!?! What?! A baby girl! Wow! Thats great! Congratulations! Is it easier the second time? aha

JoyousFaith said...

Glad you have a blog! Whoohoo! A baby girl? Such great news! Miss ya!

Beverly said...

wow what a great idea, thought that u have forgotten auntie Bev!! probably should name HER Beverly Marie sic!

Anonymous said...

A baby girl!!! How exciting!!! I really need to start blogging too so that I can keep up with family and friends!

Kim Rabas said...

yea, we'll just see if you accidentally sip again and give me a clue, then I'll guess her name. Of course, with Caleb it was a matter of guessing boy or girl...this time will be harder! :)Kim